In our church we celebrate together god's amazing love and grace
The Christian Journey
Growing in Christ is a life long walk. In the church we celebrate significant milestones, below are some of the more common ones.
In baptism God adopts us into his heavenly kingdom making us his sons and daughters. Baptism is for all people of all ages. Babies can be baptised because God's love and grace knows no limits, however, we encourage families to be part of our worshipping community and ready to partner is raising this child to know Christ.
First Communions (Step up):
Holy Communion is an important part of our worship and life as a child of God. In our church children are able to participate in Holy Communion before confirmation. When a group comes together we love to celebrate this milestone in thier faith journey. Pastor runs a 5 session course to prepare children for Communion.
When a child grows up they begin to explore the faith given to them in baptism for themselves. We offer a two year confirmation course for young people who are ready to explore their faith and come to the point of publicly confirming their faith in Christ.
Marriage is a gift from God for his creation. Our pastor is able to conduct Christian weddings both in the church building and other locations.
When our Lord calls us from this earth to his heavenly rest the funeral service is our last good bye when we give thanks to God for the life he gave, but also remember the eternal life he promises us through Jesus' death and resurrection. If you would like to have a Christian funeral service in our church building or another location please contact us.